Seeking investment?
We welcome compelling investment proposals that meet our requirements. Use our online form to share your proposal.
Legislative background
Our investment approach reflects our governing legislation, including the:
- National Reconstruction Fund Corporation Act 2023(Opens in a new tab/window) (the NRFC Act)
- National Reconstruction Fund Corporation (Priority Areas) Declaration 2023(Opens in a new tab/window)
- National Reconstruction Fund Corporation (Investment Mandate) Direction 2023(Opens in a new tab/window) (the Investment Mandate).
The legislation creates minimum requirements for us to consider an investment proposal. It also sets out public policy outcomes we need to consider.
Priority areas
Proposed investments must be in one of the seven priority areas as defined in the National Reconstruction Fund Corporation (Priority Areas) Declaration 2023.
Public policy outcomes
Proposed investments must contribute to the policy outcomes set out in s17 of the NRFC Act and the Investment Mandate.
Prohibited investments
We are unable to finance coal or natural gas extraction, the construction of pipeline infrastructure for extracting natural gas, or native forest logging.
Debt, equity or guarantee
Proposed investments can be in the form of debt, equity or guarantees.
We can provide debt and guarantees (defined as “financial accommodation” in Section 5 of the NRFC Act) to:
- constitutional corporations (in broad terms, this is an entity registered under the Corporations Act 2001(Opens in a new tab/window))
- other entities and individuals where it would assist the entity or individual in carrying out any of the 12 “constitutionally-supported activities” detailed in Section 5 of the NRFC Act
- a state or territory.
We can only make equity investments in entities where all the entity’s activities are “constitutionally-supported activities” as detailed in section 5 of the NRFC Act. This means, for example, that if one part of a business undertakes “constitutionally-supported activities” and another part of the business does not, we are unable to make an equity investment in the business.
Generate a return or repay debt
All investment proposals must be able to demonstrate an ability to generate a return (for equity) or repay debt. We cannot provide grants.
Australian Industry Participation plans
As set out in our Investment Mandate, we must ensure that an Australian Industry Participation (AIP) plan is completed for an investment where required by the Australian Government’s AIP plan policy. Further information on the AIP policy can be found on the Department of Industry, Science and Resources website(Opens in a new tab/window).
The NRFC has identified these minimum investment requirements to assist those seeking finance from the NRFC to develop investment proposals. However, it may be, as a result of the individual characteristics of an investment proposal, that additional legislative, regulatory or other internal requirements are applicable and will also need to be addressed.